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Two Pairs from Croxley Green

We saw two pairs of properties this morning. The first pair were each side of a semi detached home.

The first had all the character we’d like of a character home but was too small for us. The second was big enough but had had a lot of the character spoiled prior to […]

Two more down, eleven more on the way

Yesterday we saw two more properties :

Helen’s sister, Betty, joined us for the first visit. This was the first home we could truly visualize ourselves living in. The price was good but it didn’t hit all the bells. It was in Chesham which, although quaint, is a little small and lacks the […]

Three More Houses and A Complete Aside

This morning we went to see three more houses, two in Old Amersham and one in (New) Amersham.

It was good to get out and see a few more homes but none of them grabbed us to the extent we were tempted to go for a second viewing.

On Thursday we’re targeting […]