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Two Pairs from Croxley Green

We saw two pairs of properties this morning. The first pair were each side of a semi detached home.

The first had all the character we’d like of a character home but was too small for us.
The second was big enough but had had a lot of the character spoiled prior to the building being listed.

Just round the corner were a 1st floor and loft flat conversion of an old manor house.

The first was enticing and fit the bill of allowing us to imagine we could live there. While we are on the fence with the area, it is now on our maybe list. The loft conversion was quite different. It had a lot going for it but planning constraints meant windows could not be placed to look out over The Green.

So nothing yet that makes us want to break out the wallet and buy something because it is so right. But this is all totally within expectations. Now to rest before tomorrows viewing marathon.

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