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Two more down, eleven more on the way

Yesterday we saw two more properties :

Helen’s sister, Betty, joined us for the first visit. This was the first home we could truly visualize ourselves living in. The price was good but it didn’t hit all the bells. It was in Chesham which, although quaint, is a little small and lacks the charm, depth and character of other towns nearby. It definitely stays on the list as a maybe as sooner or later we’ll reach the point where we’ll probably have to compromise somewhere.

The second property had a lot of charm but didn’t quite make it for us. Helen and I had a slightly different perspective on how good the location was. (Right by Tescos versus being next to a busy commuter road which has to be crossed to get to the Old Town).

By now, we’ve ironed out many of the wrinkles of our process and have geared up for the rest of the week. Today we have four more properties lined up and tomorrow we have another seven. Unlike the US where buying agents line up all the house visits, here there are only selling agents. The leg work of organising all the visits with vendors is down to us. It’s more effort but being organised and developing a good process around it makes it simpler and allows us to team up.

Using the technology we have makes things simpler too. By ensuring we have addresses set up against our calendar appointments, one swipe of a finger accross my phone followed by one tap and I have the road directions to our next appointment. Another couple of clicks takes us to the data we have gathered on each property and a wealth of data from the web. It’s pretty empowering to us as buyers and allows us to really scale up our activity.

Next week we’re taking a break from house hunting. We’re visiting a number of friends and family in a line between here and Cornwall. We haven’t decided on a return date yet.

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