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Bad mood

Am I in any way impressed? No.

So the part wasn’t there on Thursday. Nor was it there on Friday. 1 week in Spain and we still have no circuit breaker.

So here we are watching each day go by knowing that each day gone is one day less on Dignity when we travel down to the BVIs in less than 4 weeks. Miracles could happen but they take a little effort and people being prepared to anticipate difficulties and I just don’t get the impression the second bit is happening.

Perhaps I’m expecting too much to expect the boating industry to operate like a modern business with focus on risks and planning for contingencies. Seems strange because that’s the essence of boating itself – everything has a contingency plan – including your contingency plans. Almost everything it seems.

You can probably tell I’m not in a good mood. The only ray of light in all this were some kind words from the CatCo folks down in Nanny Cay who have provided assurance they’ll do their best to turn Dignity around once she arrives.

7:20am my time is when I expect the satellite uplink. I’ll be watching tomorrow with my fingers crossed but expectations low.

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