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Watching the Weather

Each day now sees us looking at the weather in La Rochelle, France as well as the website that tells us where Dignity is. On the latter, there is, at best, one uplink per day. Recently this has been about 3pm GMT. There also seems to be a lag between when the measurement is taken and when we get to see it. Each day, so far, her position hasn’t changed as the captain and crew wait for favourable weather.

Yesterday there was a surge of excitement as Dignity had in fact moved. All of 0.03 nautical miles. Progress at last. Looking closely it looks like she was moved to dock.

The weather forecast for the area appears to be getting better although the winds are forecast from WSW for as far out as they go which means if she sails soon, they’ll no doubt have to motor and pound their way into wind. At the end of the day, the safety of the captain and crew is more important than our plans so we’ll just watch, wait and if necessary, work out what we’ll do if we get to the BVIs first.

In about 3 hours, we should know more.

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