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General Licence Acquired

Took and passed my General HAM License this morning. This means that I can now make use of the free Winlink email service on the short wave radio. Not that I’ll be needing this for a while but it’s good to get this under my belt.

As of writing, to my best knowledge, Dignity is still stuck in France with the captain and crew waiting for a weather window to leave. Our hopes were up on Thursday when we received information that she had left only to learn on Friday that she hadn’t. Now, our contingency between Dignity’s possible arrival in the BVIs and our own arrival on June 22nd is down to about 1 week. If nothing is wrong with Dignity, they’ll need about 2 days to turn her around and make her ready for us. Getting tight.

Our thoughts are that if we can’t move aboard straightaway, we’ll stay in Nanny Cay and do some Scuba Diving. Blue Water Divers operate out of there and it gives us a chance to be there when (if) Dignity arrives.

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