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Transponder Attached

No updates for a while as my Microsoft Expression demo license ran out and my paid for replacement copy hasn’t yet arrived. I have also had to send my laptop back for repair as the lid was cracking.

Yesterday I learned that the satellite transponder has been hooked up on Dignity so I can now tell where she is. As of about midday GMT today, Dignity has not set sail from Les Sables-d’Olonne but I do know the captain came aboard last Saturday and the crew arrived on Sunday.

I’ve downloaded the Expression demo onto another PC at home so I could play around with google maps. There should be one on the home page for this site – at least there was when I last tested.

Yesterday we splashed Timeless. This year we’re going to use her to get the rest of my family more familiarized with points of sail before we sail Dignity on June 22nd (hopefully). My son Sam came with me. He succeeded in solo sailing Timeless in a full circle.

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