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In St George, Grenada

Yesterday we met with the manager at Grenada Marine in St David’s Bay and set our date for haulout where we’ll get some boat work done. While ashore I met Karen and Matt from Where II with whom I stopped to catch up with things (at the bar) and also saw Trish and Rob from Bristol Rose. Didn’t get a chance to spend much time with the latter but we know they’re down here for the next 4 weeks so plenty of time for catch up.

Later, Helen and I popped over to Where II to drop off some books and we stayed a while (not too long).

Our plan for today had been to head for Clarkes Court Bay and then tomorrow go onto the dock in the marina and start equalizing our house and drive batteries. We learned from Jim (Bees Knees) that our new anchor and chain had arrived and it was time to do paperwork so we changed plans and headed over to the lagoon in St George. We’re piggy backing Jim’s order for chain from the US to help us save on costs/effort. We’ll soon see if this indeed worked out.

So we’re here in the lagoon. The paperwork has been done and tomorrow we go with the agent to pick up the goods and pay off customs. I have also booked us into the yacht club slip for three nights and will do the battery equalization here. I have a few cells in the drive banks which have low density I need to see if a good equalization will help. This will mean connecting them up as my house bank and charging them at 15.5V for 8 hours or so. I can’t do them all at once so 3 time a day I’ll need to rotate more in for charging. It will be a pain but worth doing.

This is also the start of summer projects – the list is much longer than the brief one we had for Rodney Bay. While we’re here in the thick of things we’ll be shopping for parts for all the projects.

Tonight we’re buying dinner for Jim as he did all the legwork on the anchor/chain purchase and import which has saved us a bomb compared to local prices.


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