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Great Meal Out

Over near the old fort are two nice restaurants, one on top of each other. For our meal out we figured one should be best so we went over and looked at the menu for each. On the ground floor was BB’s Crabback Caribbean Restaurant and above was a Chinese which I believe was called the Flag Restaurant. We all agreed the Chinese looked the most enticing so that’s where we ate.

The food was utterly delicious and well presented. The best dish was “The Fish Jumping Over the Dragon Door” which was basically sweet and sour red snapper. Very well done.

When we got back to the boat we learned from one of the neighbouring boats, Sweet Carolina, that we’d drifted into her three times. The winds have been quite weird in and out of the lagoon and the boats were swinging everywhere. We put out some more chain and that seemed to do the trick. They were pretty decent about it and ended up inviting us over to cocktails this evening. Can’t refuse company and refreshments.

Today has been the start of projects. The plan to take a slip at Grenada Yacht Club has been thwarted as they don’t have the correct power supply for us. We’ve verified we can do this at Clarkes Court Bay Marina so we’ll head there next week for our battery equalization. We’re still waiting for notification that our chain is ready to pick up. In the meantime we’re picking up parts for projects and food. Things are going slowly and it’s quite hot and sweaty. This will be our life for a bit.

1 comment to Great Meal Out

  • annie

    Hey….who is that hot guy in the picture with the blue shirt on????? He looks familiar!!!! Great to see you guys too!!! Love, Ann

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