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Bow Lockers

After spending an hour or two looking up part references and potential alternates (in readiness of future spares purchasing) I was able to borrow Jim’s jigsaw. This allowed us to get on and do the bow locker project.

As mentioned before the bow lockers are pretty deep and difficult to get in an out. Consequently we use them little. They would be ideal to store trash or other light items if only we could just reach in.

Fortunately a ridge has been built into the hull presumably to allow a floor to be put in some time.

This is what we did this morning. The first bow locker floor took the longest simply because each piece of wood had to be measured, cut, inserted, (sometimes) modified before repeating the process with the next piece. We’ve had beautiful weather today with lots of sunshine. It made working outside pleasant except for when I had to go down into the lockers which were pretty hot and made for sweaty work.

The second bow locker was simpler as we could use the pieces from the first one to use as reference templates. The shapes and ladder placement were not quite the same size but close enough to make this much easier than the first.

The end result was very pleasing. We have already stored the spare pieces of wood and some spare fuel in the bow lockers. Another item struck of the list. 58 to go.

After clearing up, returning borrowed tools and having lunch we moved the boat outside the lagoon to get some fresher air. Helen has since been busy cleaning the deck and seat cushions while I’ve been checking on the anchor and catching up on computer work. It’ll be nice to relax a little soon. We picked up a couple of racks of ribs yesterday so these will go on the barbecue this evening.  Mmmmm.

UPDATE. Major incident occurred. I took a bottle of beer from the fridge to celebrate today’s accomplishments and discovered it is the LAST ONE. I have some cans bought in Martinique which we use as backup but this is critical. Not only that, we ran out of Ting about 5 days ago. Good job we’re going to Prickly Bay tomorrow. I can go to the brewery outlet and pick up some more crates.


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