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Back in Prickly Bay

This morning I spent time researching a good place to buy our second windlass as well as a number of other smaller items we need.

Later, we dinghied into town to go shopping for bits and food. Actually we went in twice because the first time we discovered we’d forgotten the dinghy lock key and our list of things to buy. We managed to get the parts we need for the stalled projects as well as a new bucket and washing up bowl (which we accidentally threw into a bin but fortunately recovered an hour later). We also managed to find some heavy duty jump leads which we can use to reduce the amount of battery shifting when we come to equalize the drive batteries. Using this lead I can equalize the starboard bank as they are near enough to the Xantrex charger to do this. The port batteries may need to be moved.

Back on the boat I completed the 72V/12V override project as well as the watermaker refilter project. Helen helped out with the water maker project as it involved drilling into metal and it’s easier to have someone vacuuming away the metal shards as they’re produced. She also closed off the six monthly job of putting vaseline on the dodger zippers.

We then set sail for Prickly Bay timing our departure for the easterly current and managed to sail most of the way until the current turned against us. We may have set off a little late. On the way I examined the way the new lazy bag line fell over the second reefing line and it looked good so I can close off this project too. It feels as though we’ve been quite productive today. The only downside was losing the lure I caught the tuna with. The wire leader had been ether chomped or worn through. This stuff is not supposed to break so I’ll pin my imagination on a monster from the deep with big, shiny teeth.

Now we’re in Prickly Bay. We need to dispose of all our empty bottles at the factory while replenishing our supplies of Ting and beer. Helen found a few more Caribs tucked away this afternoon so all is not lost.

In the morning we’ll take a look at the project list and decide which ones to focus on next. Now it’s time to just relax.


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