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I have a new fan

Another day of progress. This morning we went ashore to drop off our empty bottles, go to the ACE store to pick up some fuel filters and other small bits, have brunch at NY Finest Bagels, go back to brewery to collect 2 crates of Ting and a crate of Carib and, on the way back, visit Budget Marine for some other small parts.

Back on the boat project work continued. With my head in the port bilge I tried to figure out why the bilge pumps don’t clear out enough water from the bilge. It seems the some of the water sucked out always makes it back in to the effect that in rolly anchorages, the bilge pump (and alarm) goes off from time to time. We can remedy the situation by manually pumping out the dregs from the bilge but I’d like a better solution. I tried rearranging the two pump feeds a little but not sure if this will help.

One project started and completed today was installing a second fan in our cabin. This will benefit both of us as I now get my own fan and Helen no longer has to share. These little projects always take a few hours because of the difficulty of running wires from place to place but this one is done. I was keen to complete this project before going on the marina tomorrow where we are likely to have less natural breeze.

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