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Dragon Bay

We had heard that the snorkeling and diving was pretty good around Dragon Bay, 2-3 miles north of St George’s so, as the weather prediction for today was good, we decided to head up here before ducking round to the south of the island.

We found the bay easily enough and there were no other boats around bar local fishermen. We’d seen a number of dive buoys so we decided to snorkel around a few of them to decide if it were worth getting the dive gear out and seeing them closer. We dropped the dinghy in the water for the further buoys before swimming out to the nearest buoy. We didn’t last long as we were both being stung all over by something or things in the water we couldn’t see. We therefore jumped into the dinghy and motored round to the next set of buoys and tried there. No stingers there so we explored. This was where some statues have been sunk in the water both as art and a stimulus for reef growth. I had my camera with me but unfortunately the batteries were flat so no pics. Try this link for an idea of what we saw.

Eventually back on Dignity we had a decision to make. Should we get the tanks out and dive and if so where? We decided to go for it. We should have had two full tanks but one of them had lost a lot of air. Helen didn’t think she’d last too long so she got the full one and I got the one with less than 1,000 psi in it. That also settled the dive – off the back of the boat hoping the stingers wouldn’t affect us on the bottom with our wet suits on.

The dive was quite pleasant lasting nearly half an hour. Nothing remarkably new seen but it’s nice to get down there amongst the sea life.

This afternoon I’m going to fit the new dive tank rack now that a lot of the gear is out and drying. Then we’ll head back to St George’s. This anchorage is a little too rolly to be comfortable over night. We’ll do some food shopping tomorrow morning before heading around to Prickly Bay for a couple of days. We need to get over to St David’s Bay by Friday for our haul out so we can get our bottom painted, service all the through hulls and fix some of the rubber seals.

We’ve just had lunch so time for a siesta.


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