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Not too long til Bermuda

Less than 12 days to go before Helen and I go to Bermuda.  We’ll be heading out on Friday morning – the 16th of May.  We’re going to stay in Hamilton until Monday.  We’ll probably rent bikes to tour the island.  There is supposed to be an abandoned railway that allows one to cycle about avoiding the traffic.  Before Helen leaves we’re hoping she can meet John and the rest of the crew of Windancer IV.  We understand there is at least one Indian restaurant on the island.  We’re hoping the food is made more like it is back in the Uk rather than here in the US.  It’s just not the same here unfortunately.  Being an English island we have our fingers crossed.  The following Monday Helen flies home and I’ll move aboard and join the crew.  I am quite excited.

This weekend I was supposed to pack.  I’m not finished.  Helen was given a couple of old laptops from school.  We figured they would come in useful on the boat – particularly when it comes to dinghying to land with a computer.  An old laptop won’t be such a loss if it gets drenched.  I spent all day Saturday configuring it – it was so slow.  Today I bought a new laptop.  Amazing what one can get for $600 these days.

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