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Steve: Day 16

576nm to go.

Light winds have dominated our existence for the last 24 hours or so. We’re really regretting the loss of our downwind sail as we’re doing a knot or two less than we could be. We joked about stitching it up which may not end up being a joke of the winds get any lighter than they are right now. Having abandoned all hope of May 1st arrival, May 2nd is now looking in doubt. If we can average 5.2 knots for the next 4.5 days we’ll do it but we’re not coming close to that right now. Our trip average is well above that, including the two slow days at the beginning, but the winds are not on our side and nor is the forecast.

Every wind shift and every change in tone of the wind generator is accompanied with the hope of increased winds. Sometimes we find ourselves moving again back at 6-7 knots but it doesn’t last.

The calmer conditions did have some upside. We did a wash which pleased Helen more than anyone but we’ve all benefited. I was able to fix a new end to my USB -> Zune cable which had got a little dodgy. This is particilarly important as I’ve discovered it now has a Soduku game on it which I’m sure wasn’t there when I first owned the unit.

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