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Helen: Day 16

Today was probably the best day of this crossing. Over night the wind and waves died down. There was no more pounding and banging. We sailed down wind, the sails wing on wing, the boat gliding over gentle swells. I could walk around without swinging from side to side, doing erratic dances, bashing into protruding objects. The sky was clear and blue. The wind no longer whipped around me but flowed over me, a light fresh breeze. My body and senses enjoyed the much needed rest from days of continuous hammering motion.
To top the day Steve decided it was gentle enough to use the washing machine! Cleaning the smelliest of the wash was like cleansing away my irrational concerns. It’s been wonderful to move with ease, relax and feel restored.

For Steve and John it was probably the worst day. The drop in wind meant the drop in speed. They spent the day feeling frustrated with the slowness of the boat. Watching the landfall ETA going further and further back. No fish caught to compensate.

It would be good to reach landfall. However when the sailing is this pleasant, I’m not in a hurry.

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