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John: Day 17

Mum’s dream of having a quieter ride has been granted.

The winds are down to nothing and we are moving at less than 4 knots, sometimes begging for it to stay in the 3’s and not to drop back into the 1’s and 2’s.

Our average trip speed is now tumbling and will start crashing in to the 5’s soon enough. A long fall from the 6.5 it hit during our fast days.

To top it off it not really a smooth ride anymore. The swell, even though small, just knocks us around and the winds are so light that the boom is banging and crashing around, the head sail is also flapping then snapping once it get a breeze.

Everyday we are here at sea is a day less at the islands. I’ve come to the realization that I probably will not make it to Bora Bora and will only see Tahiti out of all the Society Islands. Shame as I was hoping to see them with my own eyes, take some photos and was one of the things i was most looking forward to doing on this trip.

Truly a boring and miserable day, Steve actually got the Code Zero out of it’s grave and started to patch it up, after a few hours of stitching he came to the conclusion that a main stress point in the sail was beyond repair.

After dinner we had some tea and watched the full moon rise.

Grib file said that there would be wind tomorrow, I hope it come during the night.

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