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Not quite to plan

Today was furniture moving.  What fun it has been today.  We decided on using Rent-A-Wreck to hire a truck.  In hindsight I’m not sure that was the best decision as that was practically what we got.  While I arrived early to pick up the truck it was a bit beaten up, disgustingly filthy and full of broken glass.  There was no time to switch so I had to make do.  It took 45 mins of cleaning to get the cabin barely respectable and to remove all the glass and filth.  Driving the truck home I discovered the aircon pushed out hot air, the hand brake had gone off cruising and the rear mirrors were somewhat wobbly.

Helen and I then fill the truck with furniture.  We put the stuff in first that we intended to leave with our friends and finished off with the stuff we were taking to auction.  We waited a little for Sam to get back from his psychology class then we headed off.  When we got to the auction things went a bit more downhill.  Upon seeing our furniture they said it wasn’t worth the effort to auction despite the fact they told us it was when viewing photographs.  So with diminishing options we went round the corner to a storage facility and hired an upstairs 15×5 foot unit.  While Helen did the paperwork, Sam and I filled the storage unit.  The next problem turned out to be with the freight elevator which had failed.  We ended up having to carry all the furniture up the stairs.  Sam and I got a little sweaty doing this as it was now in the nineties and inside the metal storage facility it was like an oven.  We looked forward to getting back to the facility office where there was a drinks machine.  No surprise, the drinks machine was sold out.

So off we went to take the remainder of our furniture (including my last solar panel) to our friends house.  The GPS took us on an insane route through so many traffic lights, all of which appeared to go red as we got there.  Filthy, sweaty and without an A/C we were desperately thirsty so as soon as week could find a shopping mall with a big car park we stopped to get a drink.  Helen dashed into a whole foods shop and the only drinks she could get were not the usual sort.  I chugged mine down as fast as I could before I could taste it.  Lo and behold it was quite disgusting.

We managed to drop of our remaining stuff and got it into our friends basement.  We helped ourselves to iced water which was a blessed relief.

The journey home was thankfully less eventful.  We dropped off the truck and got home just in time for Sam to shower and head off to his work.

Things are looking up on the investment side but by no means over.  We can get a loan so we’ve made an offer on the place we’ve been recently looking at with a view to clearing it up and renting it out.  Many obstacles remain here – this is not the first property we’ve made an offer on this year (and failed after many months).  We shall see.

Back home we’re still finding things and clearing up.  Not much left now.  Tonight we sleep on the floor.  We’ll probably sleep quite well as we’re all exhausted.

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