It was a slow start due to the night before. Our first task was removing the mainsail. It’s only the second time we’ve taken it off and I’d forgotten how much work this was. All the batons and reefing lines need to be removed which adds time. We discovered that two of the batons had cracked badly where the main tends to fold against the shrouds if it’s let out too far. They will need replacement sometime but for now we’ve duct taped them up.
Ben and I folded the sail on the foredeck, bagged it up then dinghied it ashore and schlepped it up to the sail maker. We should hear his prognosis today.
The next job was the water maker. It was pretty awkward removing it from it’s mount but we managed it eventually. The high pressure tube end cap came off fairly easily and we replaced the broken end with the new one. We reassembled the unit without mounting it for testing. One of the high pressure lines had a leak but not so bad that we couldn’t test the water output. It was fine so we ran it for a few hours for extended testing and, of course, replenishing our tanks.
We managed to acquire some plumbing compound from Jack on Whoosh which we later used on the compression joint that was leaking. This fixed that problem. When putting it all back together I managed to untwist the joint on the feeder line so this now leaks. I need to fix that but again it wasn’t so bad. We made more water and even ran a wash for the first time in a few weeks.
It was quite a delight to be able to run our taps again and even have showers in the evening.
Today I’ll have to reseat the leaking feeder line and remount the water maker. We need to go ashore today to stretch our legs and look around some more. Ben has a part in the full moon party next week. Apparently he’ll be dressing up as a skeleton and flying around on a zip line. There are rehearsals tomorrow and he wants to get the timetable for that today. He’s also arranged to go out on the town tonight with Ian from Sea Mist.
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