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Work Day 2

Friday saw us all off on separate projects. I took Ben ashore to talk to the regatta organizers – he ended up staying with them for the day helping to set up the Full Moon Party on one of the other islands. It looks like a lot of effort is being put into this. I did some internetting ashore to sort some things out before returning to the boat and completing the reinstallation of the water maker. Helen cleaned up the entire inside of the port hull as the mildew had set in in a few places and it needed a good going over.

In the evening we met up with Callisto. We first had a couple of beers at the Aquarium Café before moving on to the pizza place slightly out of town where we had delicious pizzas. We left Jennie and Ben together in town as they were meeting up with Ian from Sea Mist. Leaving the dinghy for Ben and Jennie to get back Mike and Ann came to Dignity where we polished off another couple of bottles of wine before late retirement.

Ben woke us up at some unearthly hour. He’d spent some time at the karaoke bar and seemed to have quite forgotten he’d left as he was still singing along. Seems like they’d had a good time.

We were awoken this morning around 5am by a huge fire ashore. One of the guest houses had gone up in flames and people were already trying to contain the fire and prevent it spreading. Concerned about the boats anchored downwind of the fire I got in the dinghy and woke them all up in case embers landed on their boats somewhere. Small chance of a problem but a fire aboard is the absolute worst disaster. Noone was perturbed by the warning.

We learned later that no one was injured and only the guest house was damaged. The place where Ben had spent much time last night was right next door and had got badly scorched but it was in one piece and still open for business.

This morning I dropped Ben ashore as he is due to rehearse his part in the show and continue helping with construction. Helen and I (mostly Helen) have been cleaning the main cabin. I also visited the sail maker who I completely forgot to go to yesterday. He was close of course but the Moorings manager called him. Our sail is fixed but we have to wait until Monday to pick it up. We still have to make up our minds whether or not to stay here until the start of the regatta next Wednesday or take a break out to one or two of the nearby anchorages. Can’t do anything today as Ben is not aboard.

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