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Old School Road Nav

Yesterday we headed west beginning our longer distance visits. We picked up John from the station and headed towards Bristol to meet Helen’s cousin, Liz, and her husband, Ben. Helen wanted the visit to be a surprise so hadn’t called ahead. When we arrived we found Helen’s sister, Lois, Liz & Ben’s daughter, Sue, but no Liz and Ben as they had left to take their daughter to the airport. John and I felt this was no surprise.

So we spent some time with Lois & Sue which was nice. We then went and did the touristy thing in Bath. We missed the sign to the “Park and Ride” and ended up in the town center where we managed to find a parking spot. We toured the Roman Baths which have been subject to much upgrading to the surrounding infrastructure over the past few years. We quite liked it as we could go around at our own pace listening to commentary on private audio equipment.

We then went back to Liz & Ben’s and finally met them. We hung around for a couple of hours before heading off for a pub dinner. John stayed with Liz & Ben for the night. Helen and I headed off to the hotel where we’re staying for Simon’s, Helen’s nephew, wedding. We got there using the old fashioned method: map reading followed by winding down the window and asking someone the way. It still works.

Today all will converge on the hotel and head off for Simon’s wedding. For now, breakfast beckons.

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