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The wedding on Saturday went very well. It took place in the Terrace Hotel in Bath. The summer finally arrived in Britain and the rains stayed away for a perfect day. Simon and Julie looked a great couple. The evening reception at Julie’s parents home went very well. As a result of demand on taxies we didn’t get back to our hotel until about 1:30am.

On Sunday we drove down to East Prawle in Devon to stay the evening with our friends Mo and Andy who run a B&B there. On the way we spent a couple of hours wandering around Totnes. That evening we went out for fish and chips by the coast in a pub. We also went to one of the two local pubs in East Prawle to round off the evening.

Today we have driven to Penzance to spend some time with Helen’s brother Pete. We’ve already spent an hour or two with him, his wife Dianne and his daughter Rachel. Right now we’re sorting our stuff out in Helen’s sisters Lois’s holiday home in Penzance. I have found an open wireless connection by practically hanging out of the attic window.

Soon we will be back at Pete’s to eat takeaway Chinese & Indian.

Tomorrow we’ve got a long drive to West Wittering, Kent. Not looking too forward to that.

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