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Shopping and Movie

We spent Wednesday morning shopping for clothes for Ben and Sam. Like any two young men (and somewhat like myself) their wardrobe is thin and worn and in need of resuscitation. We also bought Sam a guitar for his Xmas present. He is a fine player but his old guitar was stolen (left unattended in a public location). He’s now a happy bunny. Ben’s Xmas present was a laptop which Sam brought over. He’s not getting it because mine is getting tired and my backup has died. It’s simple enough to order him a new one for his return. So I’m a happy bunny at the moment too.

In the afternoon we went to see the new Tron movie. I really enjoyed it as I was a total geek at the time the first one came out and this was a good follow on. For the rest they were entertained but perhaps less impressed. The evening was spent aboard with Helen cooking a fine curry – special for Sam who’s not had one for some time.

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