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Mount Manaia

Too many pies recently so it was time for some exercise. Having waited by Mount Manaia for two days without going ashore due to rain we decided to go back there. We invited John from Sea Mist as he is usually up for it. He was glad of the invite as he’d also not been out much recently. In the end John offered to take all of us in his car as it was bigger which worked out well.

After one wrong turn we made it to the mountain. Although it was pretty high, the hike was much easier than others we have done in the last year as the path was well made all the way. The weather was cool but clear so we had some great views. Sam, as part of his art course, has to take pictures so he was the official photographer.

In the afternoon I visited the nearby yard to book our haul out. We are booked for April 5th which we can easily change. There I bumped into Dan from Division 2 who we met up in Tonga. It turns out we’ll be on the pilings soon right next to him. He’s agreed to keep an eye on Dignity while we’re away touring.

I spent some time in the afternoon wrestling with a few Project Euler problems. I’ve abandoned use of spreadsheets and have now started coding for the first time in years. My success count has now raced to 32 out of 315. Of course, I am doing the easier ones first so each new one is gradually getting tougher to do.

The Jacksters pulled into the town basin in the afternoon so it was nice to say hello to them. They were interested in joining the Xmas Eve meal with all the other cruisers here so we arranged this pretty quickly.

Apart from that Helen finished another edit of her Two Years On blog which is being used as the basis of our Xmas Letter this year. The big difference is that it now has embedded pics.

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