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Merry Xmas

Happy Holidays to one and all.

Xmas Eve was a rush of last minute shopping. Our tiny tree suddenly ended up with a few presents underneath and around – more than we’ve seen in a few years due to our anticipated visitors.

The evening was spent in fine company. Squeezing the Jacksters (making six adults in all) into our tiny car we headed off to a nearby hotel to have an Xmas Eve meal with the local community, ie our Pacific cruising friends all here in Whangarei. At the table were Sea Mist (thanks for organising this John), Boree, Emily Grace, True Companions, Leu Cat, Jacksters and us. A riotous assembly. Food and company were both good.

As the Jacksters were nearby they joined us for a night cap back on Dignity. Helen impressed us all by (with just two glasses of wine in her) fell in the water getting aboard. It wasn’t really cold but the water was less than clear so she was out and into the shower in a hurry.

So now it’s Xmas and quite late in the morning at that (8 – if I can call that late). Being in NZ we get to celebrate Xmas a little earlier than the rest of the year. So here’s wishing everyone a very pleasant day wherever you are, whatever you’re doing.

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