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Day 15 – Leaving Roadtown

This may be the last log you’ll see for a bit as we’re heading off island hopping again later today and internet connections are few and far between and, quite frankly, we often lack the will to set them up. General plan for today is the boys will dive again. We’re hoping to dive on the wreck of the Rhone today. Leah will join us and snorkel on the surface. She’ll get a good view of the rest of us doing our thing below. After that we’ll be setting sail for Cooper Island where we’ll spend the night. Tomorrow we’re heading back to The Baths as we’ve had multiple requests to make a repeat of this. Tuesday is a none cruise ship day so there should be less crouds. Tomorrow evening we head back to Peter Island. We’re hoping to pull together a rendezvous for a night dive which is again on the Rhone. Friday night we plan to stay in The Bight on Norman Island and either Wednesday or Thursday we plan on spending the night at Cane Garden Bay. That leaves us one more stop to figure out. That piece of thinking will be left till later.

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