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Tauhara Mountain

Very close to Taupo is Tauhara Mountain. Climbing it was hard to resist. Impossible in fact. That turned out to be our Sunday exercise.

This was not a DOC (Department of Conservation) maintained trail and was a little rougher than those we have been on recently. This made it a little more interesting. I won’t bore you with the details of the walk – the pictures say it all. At the top though we had some fine views of the crater (it is an old volcano) and the surrounding countrtside. We didn’t stay long as it was quite chilly.

We picked up some food at a bakery and at lunch beside the Huka Falls so Ben could see them. The afternoon was spent reading, relaxing and watching movies. With the free internet connection I downloaded and installed all the updates and software I could think of for my laptop bringing it fully up to date.

Today we press on to our last stop – Rotorua – before returning to Whangarei. This is the thermal capital of New Zealand so we expect to see geysers and a lot more bubbling mud.

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