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After three days in a motel it was off to Rotorua for some more camping. Somehow our gear had expanded further making the car seem more packed than ever. Despite this we all squeezed in and headed off. We stopped off at a free to view boiling mud pool on the way. On the spur of the moment we also stopped off at the Waimangu Volcanic Valley. It’s claim to fame was having the world’s largest boiling lake. Having seen the second largest in Dominica we’d always felt we should see the largest. Having seen both the Dominica lake was better although the walk through the Waimangu Valley was worth the time spent.

Reaching Rotorua we looked at three separate campsites before settling on the first one we found closest to town.


In the evening we walked into town which seemed dead at that time and ate at Hell’s Pizza. They were tasty but one was insanely hot.

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