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Back to Whangarei

We’re getting better at packing our tents so we were out of our campsite in good time.  Our first stop, as planned, was the 3D maze.  This turned out to be a lot of fun.  The maze was made of wooden walls and included a number of overhead walkways with the maze snaking around under them.  Our challenge was to make our way to each coloured corner and exit the way we came in.  Ben finished first, I came second and Sam and Helen finished together.  While waiting, Ben and I were given a second challenge which was to find our way through to the second exit in under 4 minutes.  I made it in 2 but Ben got lost.  A lot of fun all round.

The rest of the journey was simply long.  We stopped for lunch along the way and Helen took over for an hour driving when I became tired.  We arrived in Whangarei around 4pm and had time to move the boat onto a slip near the fishing dock.  It’s quieter than the last place we slipped but a little further away from the amenities.


I have now caught up on publishing all our recent pictures and video.

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