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Project Prep

We have about a week here in Whangarei before Helen and I (without the boys who leave on Saturday – sob) head back south. We have our ferry to the south island booked for the 24th of January and don’t want to rush the trip down. There are a few boat projects that shouldn’t really be left until we come back so yesterday was really all about them.

I know some people are interested in the detail so here’s what was accomplished day 1.

Sail maker called and booked to come to boat today to talk about inspecting and servicing our current head sail, designing a better headsail and seeing if anything can be done with our shredded Code Zero (the original one). He will be here quite shortly so I’m rushing.

Rearranged our haul out date for March 24th. Yardmaster and works foreman both visited boat in afternoon to plan haul and discuss work to be done to boat (bottom paint, gelcoat patch up, anchor shield and a few other things.

Ordered shower sump float switch (just got call to say it can be picked up today).

Ordered new battery for car (current one is 9 years old and tired)

Had genset guy around to inspect generator. Fuel lines are now stiff and need replacement. Will get new replacement raw water pump and heat exchanger.

Dropped of outboard for professional service.

And a few other small items not worth mentioning.

We’re going to town on the boat at the moment. We’re up in the air with our plans for the next sailing season. One idea is to stay in the South Pacific islands north of the cyclone season in a years time. This would mean being 18 months away from major boat yards so we want everything to be as good as it can be. In general the professionals who looked at the boat yesterday said everything looked in pretty good order. But this is the best opportunity to have expert eyes and hands on the boat for a while so we’re making the best of it.

Helen attacked the pile of washing from our recent adventures and sorted out one of the boat lockers. Sam and Ben toured the town and tackled a bottle of spirits they needed to warm up their last two days here. In the evening, they went out on the town with Ian from Sea Mist. In fact John and Cherryl came over too to say goodbye to Ben and Sam. They ended up on the grass outside the boat with a bunch of locals (we think) making noise in the early hours. Seems they had a good time.

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