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On the Ice

We’ve just had a great day on Fox Glacier.

Packing up from the cabin was quick and soon we were driving south from Franz Josef to Fox. With a little time in hand and hardly a cloud in the sky we drove a couple of miles west so we could get a glimpse and and take a picture of Mount Tasman and Mount Cook, the second and highest mountains in NZ.

At 10:10 our party of 12 intrepid glacier explorers were called together to be kitted up. They had a good system where you could borrow as much additional gear as we needed including boots, raincoats, overtrousers, back packs, hats, mittens, etc. We were then bussed to the glacier car park in the company of our very informative guide Jonathan.

We were led up the side of the valley through the rain forest to get glimpses of the glacier from different vantage points. At one point we heard some large booms around the valley, the result of ice crashing from the tunnel where the river came out of the mouth of the glacier.

After nearly two hours we were at the edge of the glacier where we were given crampons to strap over our boots. Then we were climbing up onto the ice. Jonathan led the way using a pick axe to create/improve steps in the ice. When we reached a safe area he showed us various techniques for walking on the ice so we wouldn’t slip over.

Thus followed several hours of wandering over the ice to be shown features that changed from day to day. We were led through crevices and through moulins (holes in the ice). Jonathan spent a lot of time filling in the crevices so we could pass through working up a great sweat.

Towards the end we had an optional squeeze through a long tunnel. Helen and I both gave it a go. We started off crouching but the last half of the tunnel required us to get down on our bellies and wriggle through the wet ice. There were a few cut knees after this but no one seemed to care. We were all cold, wet and smiling.

As we walked off the glacier we became warmer and warmer glad to strip off our extra layers and dry off. Although we hadn’t felt tired throughout the day, by the time we reached the bus we did feel quite exhausted.

Having returned our borrowed equipment we said our thanks and headed off to the campsite to move into the cabin we’d booked the previous day. We didn’t stop long as we were famished. We headed into town and ate out.

Today we’re going to head out of here. The weather is overcast but not raining. We’re looking forward to driving the coast without it raining and giving us a chance to see the mountains around us. We should reach Wanaka.

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