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Haast Pass -> Wanaka

The drive from Fox Glacier to Wanaka through Hasst Pass was quite pleasant. We stopped off at a couple of spots along the way. Once at a lookout on the coast where we bumped into a German family who’d been in the same glacier party as us. We didn’t talk for long as we were all being eaten up by sand flies. The next stop was for lunch at one of the many scenic stopovers along the way.

Wanaka is very nice holiday town beside a lake of the same name. It was originally a ski village but now it offers options year round. We looked at a few possible places to stay. It was incredibly windy and severe rains were forecast overnight so the tent was not attractive. We ended up in a little lodge which is very pleasant.

We did some laundry then went out to a nearby place called Puzzling Land. They had a similar maze to the one near Rotorua which we did with the boys. They also had some illusion rooms which were quite interesting. One section was all tipped up at 20 degrees which really fooled the brain and actually left us feeling a little seasick.

Lastly we went shopping and picked up a takeaway which we ate in the back garden of the lodge. We ended up spending the evening chatting to an American couple on their fourth visit to NZ.

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