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Hiking Around Wanaka

The day started off with a big breakfast, something we rarely do. That gave us the fuel to skip lunch and have a full day out.

Our first stop was Mt Iron close to the town of Wanaka and overlooking Puzzling World. Mt Iron, for you geology buffs, is a Roche Moutain (I think) – essentially something that was once a larger hill that has been ground down into a certain shape by past glaciation. The hike to the top and it’s great views and back down took about 90 minutes.

On that walk we made up our minds about how to spend Valentines Day. Our next stop was to book a nicer room for the 14th, one with nice views, it’s own bathroom and free internet (very romantic). The idea for the latter is we have some near, medium and long term planning to do as well as sorting a few things out in the US and this would be a good time to make some progress on this.

Our next stop was Diamond Lake to the west of town. A short walk up to this small lake was followed by a strenuous climb, first to a lower viewpoint and then on up to the top of Rocky Mountain. The views from the top were superb. The whole area is shaped by past glaciation with lakes, mountains, valleys, moraines, etc.

Being a loop track we took the return path down giving us a different perspective on the area. Once at the car we felt we’d done enough for the day and headed back to our room to read and rest.

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