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Computer Day

Friday ended up being mostly a computer day for me while Helen carried on with her campaign (which is looking good).

The previous nights reinstall of the O/S and restore of my data had gone well but I had lots of s/w to reinstall. That meant a lot of downloads so after collecting a case of the pinot noirs we’d enjoyed the night before I visited the nearby internet shop and plugged in for a few hours. It now looks pretty good. My compiler now works (and I’ve solved two more Project Euler problems). Movie Maker works so I can process captured videos in future. In a day or so I’m going to take an image backup of everything so I have a good restore point in case I somehow frag things up in future. I’m trying to remember where it all went wrong. I have a sneaky suspicion it happened when I tried to install some legacy s/w that I own just before Xmas which includes the s/w I used to use to maintain the main aboarddignity (non blog) website – one of the reasons no changes have been made to it for months.

Back on the boat the only work item partially struck off the list was to replace the shower sump for which I had replaced the float switch a while back. Most the time was spent removing all the old sealant. The job is not quite struck off the list as I ran out of new sealant towards the end. I’ll need to buy some more and finish it off today.

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