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Wheely Good Day

Saturday morning Helen and I went out shopping for a few bits and pieces for the boat plus another batch of chardonnay. With the new sealant I finished off the shower tray and fixed a loosed grill on the stove. Leaving Helen to use the sealant to fix some small leaks on the hatches I set about fixing our dinghy wheels to the dinghy. That required removing the outboard and getting the dinghy onto the dock to work.

Not all went well. After fixing the first wheel I tested it’s motion (having thought I’d done this before drilling all the holes, applying all the goop and screwing it on). I found it wouldn’t extend below without jamming against the bottom of the dinghy. I had to quickly remove everything before the goop set and fill the four holes I’d made. Very messy. I eventually fitted both wheel satisfactorily and they seem to work well. From the picture I took afterwards it looks like the right hand wheel is a little wonky. It shouldn’t make much difference but it’ll probably bother me forever.

In the evening we met up with our friends at the Mongolian Restaurant where they had an all you can eat special on. Quite a few of us had skipped lunch in order to make the most of this (typical for cruisers). It was all very enjoyable. We’ll probably go there again sometime.

This morning is a slow one. A little time off from the boat chores is in order.

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