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Lazy Sunday

We didn’t do a great deal on Sunday. I spent some more time installing apps on my rebuilt laptop as well as nailing a few more Project Euler problems. I’ve now passed 150 correct which means I am no longer attributed the status of “Novice”. 

I also spent some time troubleshooting some technical issues with a nearby boats AIS/PC. We managed to narrow down the possible causes of error which hopefully steered him in a better direction than he was going.

We made our usual daily run to the supermarket for some more wine. We now have over half of what we need for the season in Fiji. Now that we’re into a new week there should be new wines on offer so the sampling starts all over anew. It’s a hard life.

In perusing our movies we’ve decided to start watching all the Star Trek movies (interspersed with others – we’re not that sad). It kind of takes us back as our first date was going out to see the first three movies end to end (ok, so we are that sad).

Today it’s been pissing down with rain so we’re having another lazy day. There has been some excitement the packages we’ve been waiting on have now arrived. This includes the replacement chain which is a long saga going all the way back to Grenada when we first bought 300ft of chain which turned out to have issues with the galvanization. That old chain we left with the folks on Palmerston atoll. Now we have a brand new chain free of charge. We also have the new Canon S95 camera with it’s underwater housing. Somehow I managed to order two housings so one is already up on trademe (the NZ equivalent of eBay).

We managed to schlep the chain down to the dock at high tide (the only time the walkway is not too steep for such a heavy weight) in a small gap in the rain. It’s now sitting on the dock for future labours.

The genset guy due last Friday may come this afternoon. Or maybe not. There’s a few inside things we could do today but there’s no rush.

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