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The countdown counts down

We’re still on for departure tomorrow.

Yesterday we did have plans to go sailing but given the latest reversal in the weather we stayed put and did some final, final prep.  A brief bullet list of what we did :

  • Laundry
  • Vasalined dodger/sail bag zips
  • Inspected all shackes and cable ties (preventing pins unwinding)
  • Inspected and marked shrouds (to detect possible unwind of screws)
  • Filed down rough edges on old main halyard (now the topping lift) clamp
  • Lubricated sail cars
  • Tested the electrical propulsion (chargers, fans, etc.)  All ok.
  • Organized car for final, final provisioning today.
  • Sealed stern rail.
  • Continued (compulsive) internal reorganization.
  • Cooked additional food for trip.

I spent a couple of hours aboard Imagine in the morning helping out Stuart while he performed some work atop the mast.  It was nice to chat to Sheila while we provided support to Stuart.  He was changing bulbs on his anchor / tricolour lights and found some corrosion in the wires which needed fixing.

There really isn’t a great deal more to be done today.  We will surely think of a few things but generally we should get a chance to relax.  We will do one final supermarket pass today for fresh veg.

Based on the very latest forecast we’re aiming to refuel and check out of NZ tomorrow morning with a view to set sail around midday.  We may have to motor up the bay before the winds turn but that’s ok as we need to get into clear water to run the water maker and top up before we leave.  The bay here is still brown from the run off from the recent deluge.  Not the sort of place I want to run the water maker.

Finally, we received some form of entertainment yesterday watching a small yacht being salvaged.  As a sober reminder of the conditions we experienced last weekend, this smaller vessel had been overwhelmed by the conditions and had sunk with just the top of it’s mast showing.  A floating crane was used to bring it to the surface where a strong pump was used to pull the water out of the insides and float it.

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