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Still here

We didn’t leave yesterday.  What a bummer.  I feel it was the right decision but I can’t be sure.  The organized fleet of boats left yesterday but most of our puddle jumper friends, including those down in Whangarei, opted to stay put.  We hope for their sake we were wrong.  The threatened squalls never materialized and hence the threatened high seas didn’t really materialize either.  However, the boats heading out reported light northerly winds.  Many were motoring which is not too unusual this close to land.  The problem is that you can still pick your weather sources and find a forecast less unfavourable than others.  It’s dangerous to let ‘letsgetoutofhereitis’ take hold.

The problem is I don’t see anything else coming along just yet.  Some say Sunday is the day to go.  I don’t see it.  Too much light air to the north afterwards.  Don’t mind that if the seas are down but they won’t be.  There’s a system predicted to come over the area next Wednesday.  Perhaps behind that.

We discussed options with our crew Paul.  He is welcome to stay but has the option to go back to Auckland for a while.  It’s not easy as the situation is far from clear and we’re still in a day to day decision making mode.  Chances are today we’ll just go out sailing in the bay to give Paul some experience with the boat and get us out of the brown soupy water we’re in so we can make water.

Not a lot happened yesterday.  Paul and I went ashore for a while to do the 5 min Opua full tour.  We played some cards in the afternoon.  Paul was able to do some work.  We watched the first part of a Shackleton documentary/movie in the evening.

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