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The Saintes

One has to be very careful with expectations. When they’re set high, actual experience can be disappointing. I have had a lot of good recommendations for The Saintes so I must admit my expectations were reasonably high. They have been exceeded. This place is really, really nice.

This morning after washing and making water we headed to the beach by Pain de Sucre. After a false start we found the road to town and started our walk. The weather was blue sky perfect and the air warm and dry. Half way to town we found the turn to Le Chameau Peak which is the highest point in The Saintes and promised a good lookout. The climb was a little strenuous but only just over 1,000 feet high. What none of the guides let on to was at the top was an old square tower which was largely intact into which they had built/left ladders with which you could climb to the very top. The view was out of this world. We have plenty of pics of course which will be posted in good time.

The descent and remaining walk to town was far easier than going up. We kept our eyes out for iguana as the hiking book said they could be found but were quite shy. In the end I spotted one in the bushes as we entered Bourg de Saintes – the one and only town in these islands. This little town is a real one in that they have schools and residences but is also geared for tourists. And how nice it is. It has plenty of well priced restaurants all looking very nice. The prices are low enough that we could eat out every day and stay within our budget. For instance, we had lunch today and had a three course meal with wine for $20 each.

The meal took it’s toll on our walk back to the boat. I took a nap and we’ve just been out snorkeling. Rain clouds have now filled the sky but we’ve had the best of the weather at the right times of day.

We’re definitely staying in this area for a few more days. We’re not going to move tonight but may well do so during the morning shuffle when folks set off for places new.

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