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Bourg de Saintes

Before leaving the anchorage we went for a final walk up to a big cross on a nearby hill. We were afforded some new and great view of our anchorage. Pics of course below.

We then shifted the boat around the corner into the town of Bourge de Saintes where we will stay a night or two. From the water it all now feels a lot more crowded. Rather than four or five boats around us we have forty to fifty. On the upside we have an internet connection. This enabled Helen to have a live conversation, using Skype this end, with her brother in Cornwall England whose birthday it is today. They have snow all over which has brought everything to a halt. Poor old Uk. The internet connection is also allowing us to upload our pics so that should be done soon.

Shortly after 11 I took the dinghy to the dock and walked to the baker to pick up fresh bread for lunch. The bread is particularly good here. I also popped into the tourist office and discovered that the gasoline strike is over on the mainland so we should be able hire a car and finally go on some of our planned hikes next week. I did notice that the streets were a lot more crowded today than yesterday. I wonder if the two events are related. I think we were spoilt yesterday. Nevertheless, it’s still nice.

We’ve managed some chores today. I’ve fixed an issue with the sail cars and finally changed the genset oil. Helen managed to sew and fix some holes in her clothes – everything falls apart it seems.

We’ve decided to reward ourselves for our hard work today by eating out again. But before we do that we’ll need some exercise. Soon we’ll be off up the hill to the other side of town to Fort Napoleon and get a peak over to the next bay.

Try this – here is a youtube video of the place.

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