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Just another day

The intermittent rain continues and looks to continue. Life goes on.

I did a little maintenance on the boat though hardly extensive. I untied the main sheet and worked out a twist that had built up around the traveller. I also reset the baton slider that we removed over a week ago.

Around mid afternoon we’re getting a few hours of clean water so we make water then. Helen managed another wash yesterday morning with our renewed water supplies.

In the morning I managed to squeeze out another correct Euler problem bringing my total 1 away from 200 correct answers. Must now find another I can tackle as this is a goal I feel compelled to seek and attain.

After lunch aboard with freshly baked bread we went ashore to watch the lunch time show. Prior to the show starting we witnessed the delivery of a new boat to the resort. The local staff performed a Fijian custom to bless the boat. They awaited it’s arrival on the beach with banners and once it arrived the wrapped it with colourful cloth. After this they had some cava and said some speeches. Although the place was full of day trippers this was not advertised as one of the days attractions. It was quite strange to see this custom playing out under the noses of folks while they ate their dinner, most not realizing anything particularly special was going on.

The show performers are keen to include the audience in their dances should they wish. Next Wednesday evening will be our last attendance (probably) of the main show so we’ve both plucked up the courage to join in. After yesterday’s show we met Rico, the group leader (we think) who has organised for both Helen and I to get some lessons today. Helen is quite keen on learning one of the bottom wiggling dances. I’m right behind her on that one, in all senses of the word. It would be pretty cool if I could get involved in one of the fire dances and there is one sitting down dance that tends to attract the visitors. We’ll see.

While ashore I managed to do a deal with the resort owner for our excess wine. We get a little more than we paid for it and they get it for less than local cost. Works for everyone. We’ll be much lighter going south than we were coming north. Perhaps that will make a difference.

After a brief return to the boat we went ashore in time to watch the Australia -v- South Africa match. I was rooting for the boks against a strong crowd of Australia supporters (including all the staff). It was a nail biter and in the end I felt sorry for the boks who played so well but not to win the match. The All Blacks game against Argentina held no attraction to us as it was very much a foregone conclusion.

After the game we ate dinner ashore – beef curry again. I had a mishap when I sat down on one of the benches. The leg on the corner where I was sitting was not on a solid piece of sand. It sank in, the table tipped and I went over backwards. The curry slid off my plate into my lap and onto my tee-shirt. What a mess.

We now have a bit of a plan for leaving here. Weather permitting (as is always the caveat) we plan on moving out of this anchorage on Thursday or Friday and move a short way up the coast to Momi Bay where we’ll stay a night or two. From there we’ll move to Denaru where we’ll watch the semi finals ashore on the big screens as well as do our final provisioning. We’ll await our crew member who arrives the following Wednesday before departing. We’ll probably head over to Musket Cove where we can watch the finals before clearing out of Fiji the following week.

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