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Practice, practice, practice

Being near the 200 mark I couldn’t get on without finding one more Euler problem to solve. I tried another but got bogged down so left it there.

Once up I hooked up the TV to our media player and went through the recording of the fisherman dance a few times to get a head start on any practice we may be getting. Helen joined in too.

We went ashore in a light patch of the continuing rain for our 11am appointment. Being Fiji Independence Day things were very light and no one was available then to help us learn any moves. I did get to borrow one of the flaming torches (unlit) to have a go at spinning. They were heavier than the looked and it was quite tiring on the arms. I stuck at it dropping it very many times including the same place on my foot a couple of times which now has a nice bruise.

We stayed for lunch as there was some talk of something being arranged. I continued to practice my spinning but with no real progress on the drops. A lady amongst a party of French persons showed how to do it showing that it was just the same moves that a marching band leader uses.

After lunch, prompted by our need, a couple of the few staff at hand organised dance lessons for anyone there who cared. As it was still raining we filled the hut, mainly with the group of French persons. We spent about an hour going over the fisherman dance which is performed sitting cross legged. It was a little confusing as the two guys didn’t always agree on their lefts and rights and sometimes on the moves themselves. We started by learning the first sequence but this soon degenerated into simply going over the song again and again and again non stop.

We then moved onto a second song which was performed (mostly) standing up with one section leaning back on one hand suggestively moving ones groin to the sky in time with the music. This song was again played again and again and again. This time everyone else took time out as the dance was more tiring than the one sitting down. During this dance, Helen received some tuition on bottom wiggling which should lead into some different tuition for her later today. In the end it was just me and the guys and they just kept on going. I was ready to drop by the end of it all.

I had been aiming to be ready for the Wednesday evening show. On their encouragement I am now also in the lunchtime show today. The two dances I’ll do but I don’t know about spinning the burning stick yet. I don’t mind dropping it once or twice but I’m still worse than that.

This morning my shoulders burn and my body aches. Long day ahead.

One glimmer of hope in the weather situation. We had our first (in ages) really good sunset last night. The sky this morning although cloudy is much lighter than the last few days. It is not raining. Yay.

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