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Day 9 – Jost Van Dyke

First order of the day was to put more water onto the boat. This involved my having to back Gato Chateau into a tight dock. I felt impressed with my own efforts. It gets less difficult each time although I must allow myself no complacency. After taking on water, we motored then sailed over to Sandy Spit which is a tiny lump of sand with a couple of palm trees just off Jost Van Dyke.

After lunch we motored a few minutes to a nearby bay where we set off to find the “Bubbly Pool.” I had the location in my hand held GPS and, as often is the case, the “straight line” path actually took us the wrong way. At one point I managed to get my leg tangled up in some thorns that really didn’t want to let me go. heading back, we bumped into another couple who had sensibly asked for directions and knew the way. We soon found the “Bubbly Pool” only it wasn’t really bubbling. Seems we needed northerly swells to really make it go. Nevertheless, it was a pretty spot with a pool of water sheltered from the seas behind by a tumble of rocks with every now and then waves crashing over or through. That evening we popped around the corner to Little Bay where we stopped for the night. Helen cooked a stonking spaghetti bolognaise. A couple of bottles of wine and some beer were taken care of. Throughout today, Ben and Sam were somewhat fragile. No surprises as to why.

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