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Bethell’s Beach

The wind did come round a little and the weather was good so we headed out to an area on the west coast called Bethell’s Beach for a hike and a picnic. We were joined by ex-crew member Paul and his son, Tom.


We had a nice walk over the beach across dark iron rich sand to the next bay and from there we climbed to the top of the cliff along the Te Henga Walkway. At the top of the cliff it was a bit chill but we found a place sheltered from the wind on a nice patch of grass with a fantastic view over the bays to our south. Here we had our picnic and hung around for a while chatting and enjoying the view.

We took a different route back to the cars. Before heading back we stopped at the food and drink hut at the car park for a quick snack and drink.

In the evening our hosts cooked up a very tasty BBQ for which we were joined by family friends, Anne and Hendrick.

All in all, a great day. Big thanks to John and Jose for having us here for the weekend and looking after us so well.

Today we’re off to Auckland to see what changes have be wrought on the sea front by the recent rugby world cup and this evening we’ll be visiting our friends Tracey and Lew. It’s a very early start in tomorrow morning. I’ll try and squeeze out a blog from the airport but if not, the next will be from South Africa perhaps.

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