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After breakfast with Jose and John and saying goodbye to everyone we left the Reyden’s and headed into Auckland. Having heard there had been some changes we took a walk around the water front. There was a new foot bridge and some restaurants along the wharf near the fish market and lots of new development rising up.

We then headed to the Auckland Museum and spent 2-3 hours there. They had some good exhibits and it passed the time. Even then, we were a little early so we drove up to the top of Mount Eden and took a nap in the car. After that we headed over to Lew and Tracey’s home, parked the car and went for a walk. For some odd reason we spent a while in a furniture store which is all entirely irrelevant if you live on a boat.

When we returned to the car we ran into Lew and were soon in, relaxed and with glasses of red wine in hand. Tracey cooked up a great dinner and we were joined by David and Helen who we met up in the Bay of Islands earlier this year and a lifetime ago.

As we had an early start we were all set up to leave without waking anyone up. In the end we woke before our alarm clocks and sneaked out – hopefully not waking any one. At 4:20 in the morning the trip to the airport was effortless and clearing in didn’t take too long. We now have just a few minutes before we board our first flight of three today.

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