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Slowing Down

After the excitement of the two prior days, yesterday was very much slowing down for us. We did go ashore to the bay slightly to our east. Our guide book told us there was a post office and some shops there and as we had some mail to post it seemed a good idea to try that out. The shops turned out to be commercial and when we asked within one of them we were told there was only one post office on the island up in Oneroa. Oneroa was about 2km to walk so we decided to walk there.

In Oneroa we mailed our two items and found a place for lunch.

Back on the boat we mainly rested. I tried a spot of fishing off the back of the boat. I hooked one large fish but not for long plus a couple of small ones which did. I kept neither and after the second where the hook somehow had gone into it’s backside I packed it in.

We got in contact with the folks we met at the Hot Springs in Great Barrier and the result is we’re meeting them for dinner tonight. That means heading round to Onetangi Bay which we’re looking forward to seeing.

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