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Onetangi Bay

Once breakfast and our usual morning chores were sorted we raised the anchor and headed around to Onetangi Bay. There was insufficient wind to sail so we motored round.


We had an idea we might go ashore during the day but I got stuck into some admin. I sorted out our advance departure paperwork for New Zealand as well as our advance arrival paperwork for Fiji. They’ve all been sent off. I then got stuck into our UK taxes which took the rest of the day and I still didn’t finish.

We went ashore shortly after 6pm to meet our friends. Having dragged the dinghy up the beach we realized we’d forgotten the wine and had to return to the boat getting soaked in the surf doing so. We made it back to our rendezvous just ahead of time so we kept noone waiting. Murray picked us up and took us to their home which we found delightful – just the sort of open plan and size we like. Sian cooked up a delicious dinner. We were joined by Vickie who was also present in the hot springs at Great Barrier.

As ever, good food, good friends and a little fine wine makes for a great evening.

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