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More Admin

I woke and felt the urge to finish off my UK taxes and put all that behind us. While connected to the internet I ran out of of bandwidth. For the last few days I’ve been trying to figure out why we’ve been using so much. In just a few days we’ve burned about 1.4Gb of bandwidth – 2/3 of our monthly allowance. The s/w I bought a year ago to monitor web traffic doesn’t work with the NZ vodafone dongle so I’m back to guessing what’s causing the consumption.

As we ran out of bandwidth I decided we should move the boat round to Oneroa where I knew there was an open connection. On that I could run my monitoring s/w and see what was eating up our bandwidth. So off we went and anchored where I found another open signal that was pretty good.


I was able to finish the UK taxes but no amount of monitoring of the network connection revealed anything abnormal. Irritating.

Somewhere along the way Helen has hurt her back and was having a lot of painful twinges yesterday. Perhaps this was due to the multiple efforts heaving the dinghy out and into the water the previous evening. This curtailed any ideas we had to go ashore. So it was just another day of rest and, for Helen, pain killers. At least it took her mind off her foot.

Sometime in the afternoon the decent open internet connection closed down and I reverted to the open connection we previously knew about which is pretty frustrating to use. At some point I should pay a few (meaning lot) more $$$$ for the vodafone connection and see if we’ve truly stopped hammering it.

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