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Mail Run

To allow Helen to rest her back (which incidentally is getting better) we made no plans for yesterday. I did get some mail (via St Brendan’s Isle) that required me to send some mail to the UK so I went ashore in the morning to visit the post office. I timed it so the tide was going out and wouldn’t have far to drag the dinghy. I learned a thing or two about beach landings on my own.

I called Vodafone who were able to give me an idea of the bulk of my traffic immediately prior to our bandwidth being used up. Turned out is was our anti-virus s/w trying to update itself. I’d just reinstalled it before leaving Auckland and had forgotten to turn off the automatic updates. Arrggghh. If my monitoring s/w had been working I’d have caught this before we blew $30 of air time. Double Arrggghh.

The rest of the day was R&R. I cranked out the XBox and played for a while and we both read our books too.

This afternoon, when the currents are in our favour, we’re going to move over to Rangitoto. If Helen is up it, we’ll climb to the peak of this 700 year old dormant volcano.

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