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At 1:30pm we moved the boat catching the incoming tide. We did, optimistically, raise the sails and may have had some assist for a while but about half way to our destination we dropped them as the wind died completely.

Instead of heading to Islington Bay, our first choice, we decided to anchor in Wharf Bay where the ferries come and go. The main reason is the walk to the summit is shortest from here and while Helen’s back is improving it is not fully better yet. This way she stands a chance of making the climb to the summit today.


Because of the commercial traffic we’ve left the AIS transponder on and we do show on

At night the view of the city was pretty impressive with the lights twinkling in the (rapidly) cooling air.

After a walk this morning, this afternoon we plan to move into Auckland harbour prior to moving back into Viaduct Marina tomorrow.

The countdown to Sam’s arrival is ticking fast. We’re getting a little stressed mostly by things not happening as smoothly (or at all) his end as they should. The joys of parenthood.

1 comment to Rangitoto

  • John Pruim

    Hi Steve,

    I have been following your travels and enjoy your stories.

    Your problems are very familiar to me as forever things go bad. This week I checked my propulsion battery banks and guess what, 3 of the 12 batteries had bad cells, new batteries have been ordered and will be fitted next week.

    My 420 is booked for a lift next weekend in Brisbane. The yearly cleaning, anti fouling, anode replacements, polishing and service of water maker are due. I do have a good shipwright and he will spend most of the week to make sure all is under control.

    Good Luck with your trip and fair weather.


    Triple Zero

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